Monday, June 3, 2013

Academic summer break

It's June, and I really only notice because campus is quieter when I walk in. Most of the time, however, things like the "academic year" don't affect me as a postdoc. Contrary to popular belief, academics, like K-12 educators, tend to be quite busy over the summer. Things on the blog might be quiet for a couple of weeks while I:
  • Attend the Miller Symposium (already finished my talk on animal genitalia, but I need to make my poster on sex chromosomes, and write up my introduction for Dr. Pamela Ronald)
  • Write and submit an abstract for ASHG2013 on gene expression in Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Submit revisions on our human Y diversity paper
  • Make my poster about human Y diversity for SMBE2013 (where I'll be live-tweeting in July)
  • Finish up the first draft on a paper regarding estimating TMRCA on the Y chromosome
  • Submit revisions on the first paper (yay!) with a student to the Berkeley Scientific Journal (investigating the evolution of phosphatase genes)
  • Hopefully ubmit my second paper with a student (yay!!) studying the timing of evolutionary strata formation
  • Look forward to receiving reviews on a paper submitted with collaborators about a method to detect evolutionary strata using only sequence information from the X chromosome (no Y sequence needed!)
  • Finalize a general scientific talk about sex chromosome evolution that I'll be giving on June 12 to give at the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland (5:30-8:30 - you should come!)

Other general goals for this summer:
  • Write/submit a paper on Rheumatoid Arthritis gene expression
  • Start a new project studying sex chromosome evolution and selection
  • Mentor/Co-mentor summer undergraduate research students on a variety of projects
  • Revise and resubmit K99/R00 application
  • Write an article for Macmillan about "Trends in Evolution"
  • Blog about more awesome science
  • Prepare materials for job applications (feel free to share tips, and/or academic postings!)

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